Our solid commitment is to serve and promote the public interest throughout our activities, whilst being highly and effectively responsive to our clients’ individual and collective needs.
In doing so, we understand and acknowledge the importance of impartiality in carrying out our validation/verification activities, free from any commercial, financial or other pressures that could compromise it.
We commit to maintain a strong focus on the delivery of high quality, independent and impartial validation/verification services, that meet or exceed our customers’ requirements and expectations.
In pursue of our Mission & Vision, we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services.
All of our client commitments, supporting actions, and services delivered must be recognized as expressions of Quality.
We pledge to monitor our performance as an on-going activity for ensuring:
-compliance with all applicable requirements;
-continuous suitability; and
-continuous improvement of the effectiveness of our established Quality Management System.
Safeguarding our independence and impartiality is of utmost importance for building, maintaining and protecting the credibility of our services, our reputation and our position in the market.
For this reason, we have established, implement and maintain relevant processes as well as other means -in the form of an Independent Impartiality Committee-, for effective management of conflicts of interest and ensuring objectivity at all times, through:
-the continuous monitoring and assessment of our corporate activities and relationships, as well as the relationships of our management and technical personnel with our customers
-the continuous risk assessment for effectively and timely identifying and responding to eliminate or minimize the effects of any potential threat compromising the provision of competent, consistent and impartial validation/verification services
-refraining from providing any form of consultancy as part of a validation/verification service and/or for the maintenance of the validity of the validation/verification statement